14 Google Adsense Approval Requirements To Get approved in 2023
Google Adsense is one among the popular platform to get reward in the form of cash by displaying ads on your blog or website and the best part is that you will get paid on time, as it’s the trustworthy program powered by Google.
The quickest way to get your blogging efforts monetize is using Google Adsense, but there are some requirements that needs to be fulfilled in order to get you a fully approved Adsense account.
Getting google Adsense approval is a dream from many bloggers out there but many face rejection, As their blog does not comply with google Adsense policy.
Either you are applying for the first time or have face rejection, I can guarantee you that After reading this guide you will have a complete solution regarding google adsense approval requirements that if followed than no one can stop you to get approve.
Many creators do not reveal the exact method to get approved, but at my blog I will not hide any secrets that blocks your success, whatever I know that can help you to reach your blogging destiny will share here at free of cost.
New year is on the door and if you are in search of How do I get adsense approval in 2023?? Then you landed on the right post.
So this guide covers a complete steps that need to be followed to get your blog monetize with google Adsense ASAP.
Before you apply Ensure to implement the below given tasks on your blog or website.
No matter on whichever platform your blog is hosted on, this google adsense approval tips is definitely going to make your day.
Anyway without any delay lets headover to the first step towards getting your Google Adsense account ready to use without messing up.
14 google adsense approval requirements to get approval in 2023

We will elaborate on each point to get you better insights before you apply for Adsense
- Applying a responsive theme
- Having legal pages
- Avoiding illegal writing
- Creating a clean navigation
- Saying no to copyright images
- Writing in detail
- Creating sufficient pieces of content
- Having a legal age
- Getting proper indexing
- Driving Enough visitors
- Giving a serious signal
- Solving major variation issues.
- Prioritizing security
- Inserting code straightway
Additional points that strictly need to consider in order avoiding rejection are even covered in this article only so keep reading.
What is the minimum requirements for adsense
1. Applying a responsive theme-
Make sure to apply a responsive theme on your blog that fits both desktop and mobile size, in short its optimize for multiple devices so that people don’t face any issue while serving your site and that even gives a better user experience.
There are plenty of themes available that are responsive in nature and are highly recommendable for google adsense approval.
If your blog is hosted on blogger platform then must checkout this Free seo friendly blogger templates that are responsive + best for google adsense approval.
A responsive theme not only helps you to get google adsense approval fast but also will make your SEO Efforts comes true.
The Free themes like GeneratePress, Neve, oceanwp, kadence, Astra etc, are good to go with if your blog is on Self hosted WordPress platform.
Theme add a CSS & Layouts that gives your blog overall nice look and even better performance.
Ensure the current theme you have installed is fully responsive and able to give a better user experience.
2. Having legal pages-
Creating important pages will give more exposure on your blog and that’s the important criteria in Google adsense Eligibility.
About us, Contact us, Privacy policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer, Affiliate disclosure are must have pages on your blog if you want to have fully approved Adsense account.
These legal pages can be create using free tools like freeprivacypolicy, privacypolicygenerator, termly, termsfeed etc, EvenI made this mistake and have face rejection by Google.
Pages not only give information about your site but also help Google to understand the structure of your site in a better manner and even make the user feel secure regarding their data that they may share with your site.
So never miss the above pages to include before you apply for adsense.
3. Avoiding illegal writing-
There are some prohibited content that google adsense don’t allow for publishers to write on and they have clearly mentioned in Google’s Publishers content policy that need to be noticed before applying.
You can read the above content policy by Google and Ensure that your content aligns with their policy and you have not written such type of content in your article to avoid rejection.
Adult content, hacking, threats, violence, hate speeches are some types among it that must be not publish in order to get approve.
For a brief before writing on your blog must check the type of content you are publishing also aligns with google adsense program.
All the pages that you add in your header section under menu need to be check for an error, if the site menu is not working properly then try to fix it.
Check for each page under menu whether they are working or not, ensure that the menu is visible clearly for users visiting your site.
Change the background appearance if not match with texts and links.
Don’t include much pages in menu only add important one to make it clean & visible for others who are visiting your site.
It’s a little task but is very important to get Google adsense approval.
5. Saying no to copyright images-
Wherever you insert image in your content ensure that its copyright free and not someone else work.
Try to use your own original images or create one using free tool like Canva that does not requires any professional skill to design.
Even you can have a readymade non-copyright image from websites like pixabay, pexels, freepik etc, but have a practice of giving image credit.
Avoid downloading images directly from Google as not all images are copyright free.
This point need to be addressed before you apply blog for adsense, As google never give approval if you use copyright image or content on your blog.
6. Writing in detail-
pieces of content you publish on your blog must be written by keeping in mind user queries and must be in-depth of at-least 1000+ words each.
There is not such criteria of article content length for adsense approval but it is a good practice that can reward you in long run.
Ensure that whatever article you publish is 100% original and is higher in quality that fulfills your user needs.
Low quality and half information content is also one among the reason for not getting approval by Google Adsense.
Keynote: write short and clear paragraphs articles of minimum 500+ words depending upon your niche.
7. Creating sufficient pieces of content-
Most of newbie’s has a question that How many posts are required for adsense approval ??
It’s not clearly mention anywhere that how much be the articles counts to get approval for adsense but many experts out there has set an criteria of minimum publishing 25-30 blog posts, and that may be a right predication at great extend.
Some blogs even with very less numbers of post 6-10 published are able to get approval but from my point of view you must have atleast 20+ articles get published before applying, that’s a good practice.
Another benefit of having more posts count on your blog is that you blog will start gaining traffic that will help you to build trust in Google Eyes.
I applied my blog with 15+ articles and I got approved, but ensure to write detailed and original content that is copyright free.
8. Having a legal age-
At what age your are applying for adsense account matters a lot, As Google don’t allow age below 18
If you are 18+ then you are eligible to apply but still if you are a kid below 18 and eager to earn from adsense then one option is using your parents information for Adsense account creation.
To create an account on Adsense you will need a working Gmail account because most of notification regarding your account will arrive in your Email.
Note: you need to fill right information and details as per your pan card so that you don’t face any issues while verification, if you got approved.
9. Getting proper indexing-
Have your property index on Google before applying for Adsense, it helps in building trust of your ownership.
Adsense can Even cross verify if the code is not found on your site at time, So make sure to submit your site on google search console and on Google Analytics to avoid the rejection.
Indexing is also very important part if you want Google to pay attention on your site.
10. Driving Enough visitors-
You can even get Adsense approval without traffic on your blog but what is the use of it?? As no Traffic = no earning.
It’s a good signal if you have some amount of traffic flowing on your blog and that can help you in many aspects.
Ensure that your blog has little amount of traffic before you apply.
If you have just started then use long tail keywords in your articles so that you get fast and better ranking on SERP.
Initially you can even share you pieces of content on social media platforms to get some traction on your blog.
Watch my below web stories to avoid mistake that you may be doing as a beginner.
11. Giving a serious signal-
The step after applying for Google adsense is to publish more unique content on your blog that will give a strong signal to google that you are really serious regarding your blog, you will not believe but it’s an tested and proven method that I have tried to get my account approved.
Don’t publish together many article at a time instead of that publish on your regular interval of time, Maintain the consistency and let me know it worked for you or not.
12. Solving major variation issues-
Meanwhile you have applied for adsense don’t make any major changes on your site because that can also be a reason for not getting approval.
Changing theme, pages, menu can cause major issues that can become rejection reason for you and even can hold on your adsense account.
Even check your site is on working mode or not because some host does not provide good services that causes down time issue many time and that can even hold back your site for not getting approval, so make sure to choose a good hosting that has best uptime and support.
Additional Tip: Check whether your blog uses a supported language or not?? As google Adsense approval criteria does not support some languages.
You can have a look at the list of languages that Google adsense supports
13. Prioritizing security-
Google Always give rewards to sites that follow their guidelines, and Even to feel secure the visitors that are landing on your site you must enable Https connection on your blog.
Applying a SSL (Secure socket layer) Certificate on your blog will give a positive signal to Google and there will be a high chance to get approval.
When it comes to security you must take care of not misleading users, don’t link irrelevant or harmful pages on your site, Malware, hacked sites etc.
Ensure to link relevant and trustworthy sites based on your niche.
14. Inserting code straightway-
After applying for google adsense you will get a code that need to be placed in the right position to avoid rejection.
You need to place code below <head> under html section of your site, if you are on blogger then follow the below steps.
Go to blogger dashboard>Themes>Edit HTML> Ctrl+F, search for <Head> and place the code just below it.
On Word-press find Insert Header and footer Plugin that can easily print your code below <head> section without allowing you to touch the code.
Wait the post is not over yet! There are some additional points that need to be consider to get fast adsense approval without rejection
You Can even watch my below Hindi video to learn practically
How can I get google adsense approval faster
- If your blog is based on crowded niche, means already many people are working on that topic than there may be a high chance to get rejected by Google Adsense, so what you can do is create some 6-10 unique articles in your niche that are rarely found on Google, you can use Alsoasked, quora to find some rarely asked questions.
- Secondly draft commercial or adsense based articles if you have, once you get approved you can publish them back on your blog.
- Applying with a custom domain can give you more benefit, and the chances to get fast approval may come true.
Almost every important points are covered that if followed then I am Dam! Sure you will have an approved adsense account in your hand.
The question may be triggering in your mind that how long does adsense approval takes?? its not in our hands, Google takes it times to review an application and in some case it may take 1-2 weeks while some get approval within 24 hours.
Your Next step-
Once implemented all the above tasks on your blog you are ready to apply, then seat back and Relax.
If you are interested to get yourself updated and want to read such type of content on my blog then don’t forget to be a part of jitenbloggingtips by following us and sharing this piece of content with people who are facing difficulties in getting adsense approval.
I hope this article has helped you to get detailed information on google adsense account approval process step-by-step.
If you are someone who has more tips to share regarding adsense approval than you are most welcome to write it under comment section so that our readers can get benefit from it.
Having any query?? Drop it in comment box; I will surely get back to you.
Let’s meet again with the solution to the queries regarding blogging.
FAQ For google adsense approval requirements
What is the requirement of Google AdSense approval?
To be approved for Google AdSense, you must have a website with original, useful content; be at least 18 years old; have a valid mailing address and phone number; be able to receive payments in a supported currency; have permission to use the website you want to display AdSense ads on; and have sufficient traffic to generate revenue. Your website must also comply with AdSense’s policies and guidelines and not contain any illegal or inappropriate content.
How many days will take for Google AdSense approval?
The amount of time it takes for Google AdSense to review and approve your application can vary. In some cases, the review process may take just a few days, while in others it can take several weeks.
If your application is approved, you will receive an email notification from Google AdSense. If your application is not approved, you will also receive an email notification explaining the reasons for the rejection. -
How much does AdSense pay per 50000 views?
To get a better idea of how much you might earn through AdSense, you can use the AdSense Calculator. This tool allows you to enter your website’s estimated page views and the cost-per-click (CPC) rate that you expect to receive from AdSense. The calculator will then provide an estimate of your potential earnings. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate, and your actual earnings may vary.
Does AdSense automatically pay you?
By default, the payment threshold is set to $100, which means that you will receive a payment when your account balance reaches or exceeds $100. However, you can choose to set a different payment threshold if you prefer.